Card Collection


This API method is used to initiate an a collection/purchase request for which you will receive a JSON response.

POST {base url}/api/v1/purchases/




Bearer {{secret key}}




"client": {
    "email": "",
    "personal_code": "123245",
    "full_name": "Example One",
    "phone": "0993457034",
    "bank_code": "234235",
    "country": "AU",
    "city": "Lisbon",
    "street_address": "sixth street",
    "zip_code": "3425678",
    "state": "PT"
"purchase": {
    "currency": "USD",
    "products": [{
        "name": "test",
        "price": 1000
"skip_capture": false,
"brand_id": "{{Brand Id}}",

You have two methods to collect card details from the customer .

  1. Redirect the customer to the {{checkout_url}} on the paytota platform.

  2. Direct Post. Here you submit the customer card details from your application to the {{checkout_url}} . In this case the customer will be redirected to the bank authorization page immediately. Take note the following parameters should be added to your Initial JSON body on using Direct Post success_redirect, failure_redirect After the payment is processed, the system will redirect the customer back to your website.

Testing Integration

It’s possible to test-drive all checkouts using a test Purchase. - 4444 3333 2222 1111 - non-3D Secure card - 5555 5555 5555 4444 - 3D Secure card For both cards, please use: - any cardholder name - any expiry larger or equal to the current month/year - CVC = 123 For a failed payment, please change the CVC or expiration date

You will receive a callback on your webhook URL regarding the status of the transaction

Successful transaction  (status = paid)
Failed transaction (status = error)
Callback Example
  "id": "761196a9-6aa2-4afd-a59f-214ad6788e5e",
  "due": 1694609579,
  "type": "purchase",
  "client": {
    "cc": [],
    "bcc": [],
    "city": "London",
    "email": "",
    "phone": "+447702700000",
    "state": "WA",
    "country": "US",
    "zip_code": "CT6 6HG",
    "bank_code": "",
    "full_name": "John Deo",
    "brand_name": "",
    "legal_name": "",
    "tax_number": "",
    "client_type": null,
    "bank_account": "",
    "personal_code": "",
    "shipping_city": "",
    "shipping_state": "",
    "street_address": "39 coromant way",
    "delivery_methods": [
        "method": "email",
        "options": {}
        "method": "text_message",
        "options": {
          "custom_message": ""
    "shipping_country": "",
    "shipping_zip_code": "",
    "registration_number": "",
    "shipping_street_address": ""
  "issued": "2023-09-13",
  "status": "paid",
  "is_test": false,
  "payment": {
    "amount": 2300,
    "paid_on": 1694606029,
    "currency": "USD",
    "fee_amount": 150,
    "net_amount": 2150,
    "description": "",
    "is_outgoing": false,
    "payment_type": "purchase",
    "pending_amount": 0,
    "remote_paid_on": 1694606028,
    "owned_bank_code": null,
    "owned_bank_account": null,
    "pending_unfreeze_on": null,
    "owned_bank_account_id": null
  "product": "purchases",
  "user_id": null,
  "brand_id": "869aca7c-6348-4c5f-9141-6f9e908da099",
  "order_id": null,
  "platform": "api",
  "purchase": {
    "debt": 0,
    "notes": "",
    "total": 2300,
    "currency": "USD",
    "language": "en",
    "products": [
        "name": "deposit",
        "price": 2300,
        "category": "",
        "discount": 0,
        "quantity": "1.0000",
        "tax_percent": "0.00"
    "timezone": "UTC",
    "due_strict": false,
    "email_message": "",
    "total_override": null,
    "shipping_options": [],
    "subtotal_override": null,
    "total_tax_override": null,
    "has_upsell_products": false,
    "payment_method_details": {},
    "request_client_details": [],
    "total_discount_override": null
  "client_id": "70a626d4-b415-46b9-9dda-89e37ebdf1d4",
  "reference": "325408517",
  "viewed_on": null,
  "company_id": "177bde08-d0a3-47b0-9601-7fec23b8d4fb",
  "created_on": 1694605979,
  "event_type": "purchase.paid",
  "updated_on": 1694606029,
  "invoice_url": null,
  "can_retrieve": true,
  "checkout_url": "",
  "send_receipt": false,
  "skip_capture": false,
  "creator_agent": "",
  "referral_code": null,
  "can_chargeback": true,
  "issuer_details": {
    "website": "",
    "brand_name": "PAYTOTA LIMITED",
    "legal_city": "Kampala",
    "legal_name": "PAYTOTA LIMITED",
    "tax_number": "",
    "bank_accounts": [
        "bank_code": "Will send",
        "bank_account": "Will send"
    "legal_country": "UG",
    "legal_zip_code": "102145",
    "registration_number": "80020002500244",
    "legal_street_address": "Venture Labs, Plot 23 Binayomba Road, Bugolobi"
  "marked_as_paid": false,
  "status_history": [
      "status": "created",
      "timestamp": 1694605979
      "status": "pending_execute",
      "timestamp": 1694605986
      "status": "paid",
      "timestamp": 1694606029
  "cancel_redirect": "",
  "created_from_ip": "",
  "direct_post_url": null,
  "force_recurring": false,
  "recurring_token": null,
  "failure_redirect": "",
  "success_callback": "",
  "success_redirect": "",
  "transaction_data": {
    "flow": "direct_post",
    "extra": {
      "card_type": "debit",
      "card_brand": "mastercard",
      "masked_pan": "537410******0294",
      "card_issuer": "national westminster bank plc",
      "expiry_year": 26,
      "expiry_month": 12,
      "cardholder_name": "Ryan lee",
      "card_issuer_country": "GB"
    "country": "GB",
    "attempts": [
        "flow": "direct_post",
        "type": "execute",
        "error": null,
        "extra": {
          "card_type": "debit",
          "card_brand": "mastercard",
          "masked_pan": "537410******0294",
          "card_issuer": "national westminster bank plc",
          "expiry_year": 26,
          "expiry_month": 12,
          "cardholder_name": "Jon Deo",
          "card_issuer_country": "GB"
        "country": "GB",
        "client_ip": "",
        "fee_amount": 150,
        "successful": true,
        "payment_method": "mastercard",
        "processing_time": 1694606028
    "payment_method": "mastercard"
  "upsell_campaigns": [],
  "refundable_amount": 2300,
  "is_recurring_token": false,
  "billing_template_id": null,
  "currency_conversion": null,
  "reference_generated": "PT159",
  "refund_availability": "all",
  "referral_campaign_id": null,
  "retain_level_details": null,
  "referral_code_details": null,
  "referral_code_generated": null,
  "payment_method_whitelist": null

Check Collection/Purchase Status

This method is used to query the collections/purchases transaction status using the transaction ID. Please note that this API also requires authorization using the Secret Key.

GET {base url}/api/v1/purchases/{id}/








Bearer {{secret key}}

Last updated