

description: Company Balance in a specific currency

gross_balance : (integer) Raw Company balance without any fees or reserved amounts subtracted

balance : (integer) Company gross balance with transaction fees subtracted

available_balance : (integer) Company balance currently available for withdrawal

reserved : (integer) Amount protected from withdrawal for an amount of time as per the brand configuration

pending_outgoing : (integer) Amount currently pending withdrawal

fee_sell : (integer) Fees applied to transactions

Purchase Status

PurchaseStatus: (string) default: created readOnly: true

Purchase status. Can have the following values:

created: Purchase was created using POST /purchases/ or Billing API capabilities.

sent: Invoice for this purchase was sent over email using Billing API capabilities.

viewed: The client has viewed the payform and/or invoice details for this purchase.

error: There was a failed payment attempt for this purchase because of a problem with customer's payment instrument (e.g. low account balance). You can analyze the .transaction_data to get information on reason of the failure.

cancelled: Purchase was cancelled using the POST /purchases/{id}/cancel/ endpoint; payment for it is not possible anymore.

overdue: Purchase is past its' .due, but payment for it is still possible (unless e.g. POST /purchases/{id}/cancel/ is used).

expired: Purchase is past its' .due and payment for it isn't possible anymore (as a result of purchase.due_strict having been set to true). It’s still possible to have a paid status after expired if the transaction was initiated before expired and the acquirer returned the successful status with delay.

hold: Funds are on hold for this Purchase (.skip_capture: true was used). You can now run POST /capture/ or POST /release/ for this payment to capture the payment or return funds to the client, respectively.

released: This Purchase previously had hold status, but funds have since been released and returned to the customer's card.

pending_release: release of funds for this Purchase is in processing, but is not finalized on the acquirer side yet. Is set by POST /purchases/{id}/release/ operation when it takes longer than expected to process on the acquirer side.

pending_capture: capture of funds for this Purchase is in processing, but is not finalized on the acquirer side yet. Is set by POST /purchases/{id}/capture/ operation when it takes longer than expected to process on the acquirer side.

preauthorized: A preauthorization of a card (authorization of card data without a financial transaction) was executed successfully using this Purchase. See the description of the .skip_capture field for more details.

paid: Purchase was successfully paid for.

pending_execute: Payment (or hold in case of skip_capture) for this Purchase is in processing, but is not finalized on the acquirer side yet.

pending_charge: Recurring payment for this Purchase is in processing, but is not finalized on the acquirer side yet. Is set by POST /purchases/{id}/charge/ operation when it takes longer than expected to process on the acquirer side.

retrieved: A retrieval request was registered for this, previously paid, Purchase.

charged_back: A chargeback was registered for this, previously paid, Purchase.

pending_refund: a refund (full or partial) for this Purchase is in processing, but is not finalized on the acquirer side yet. Is set by POST /purchases/{id}/refund/ operation when it takes longer than expected to process on the acquirer side.

refunded: This Purchase had its payment refunded, fully or partially.

Enum: [ created, sent, viewed, error, cancelled, overdue, expired, hold, released, pending_release, pending_capture, preauthorized, paid, pending_execute, pending_charge, chargeback, pending_refund, refunded ]

Payout Status

PayoutStatus: (string) default: initialized readOnly: true

Payout status. Can have the following values:

initialized: Payout was created, but not executed. Initial status to new Payouts.

pending: Payout's execution is currently pending

error: An error has occurred during the execution. Execution can be attempted again.

success: Payout was executed successfully.

Enum: [ initialized, pending, error, success ]


Event: string

Available event types and when they are emitted:

purchase.created: Emitted when a Purchase is created. This happens as a result of POST /purchases/ request executed successfully or of any of the Billing API methods, including scheduled billing run by a BillingTemplate with is_subscription = true. Purchase.status will be == created in the received payload.

purchase.paid: Emitted when a Purchase is paid for. Purchase.status will be == paid. Happens when a payform is submitted (for a Purchase having skip_capture == false) and a successful payment is done by the payer or in case of /capture/ or /charge/ API requests executed successfully.

purchase.payment_failure: Emitted when payer submits a payment using the payform, but it doesn't complete successfully (e.g. because payer's account balance is insufficient). Purchase.status will be == error.

purchase.pending_execute: Emitted when transaction execution takes longer than expected on the acquirer side. See pending_execute Purchase status. When transaction becomes finalized, a purchase.paid, purchase.hold or purchase.payment_failed callback will be emitted.

purchase.pending_charge: Emitted when transaction execution takes longer than expected on the acquirer side. See pending_charge Purchase status. When transaction becomes finalized, a purchase.paid or purchase.payment_failed callback will be emitted.

purchase.cancelled: Emitted once POST /purchases/{id}/cancel/ request succeeds. It won't be possible to pay for the related Purchase after that. Purchase.status will be == cancelled.

purchase.hold: Emitted when a Purchase having skip_capture == true has its payform submitted and "payment" performed successfully. The specified amount of funds will be placed on hold. Purchase.status will be == hold.

purchase.captured: Emitted when the POST /purchases/{id}/capture/ request for a Purchase that previously had the status of hold succeeds. Purchase.status will be == paid.

purchase.pending_capture: Emitted when transaction execution takes longer than expected on the acquirer side. See pending_capture Purchase status. When transaction becomes finalized, a purchase.captured callback will be emitted.

purchase.released: Emitted when the POST /purchases/{id}/release/ request for a Purchase that previously had the status of hold succeeds. Funds reserved will be released with no payment performed. Purchase.status will be == released.

purchase.pending_release: Emitted when transaction execution takes longer than expected on the acquirer side. See pending_release Purchase status. When transaction becomes finalized, a purchase.released callback will be emitted.

purchase.preauthorized: Emitted when preauthorization scenario (see description for the Purchase.skip_capture field) is executed successfully. Purchase will have a status of preauthorized.

purchase.recurring_token_deleted: Emitted when the POST /purchases/{id}/delete_recurring_token/ request is executed successfully, deleting the recurring token associated with a Purchase. Purchase status will be the same as it were prior to this event.

purchase.pending_recurring_token_delete: Emitted when token deletion takes longer than expected on the acquirer side. When operation is finalized, a purchase.recurring_token_deleted callback will be emitted.

purchase.subscription_charge_failure: Emitted when an attempt to charge some Client's subscription-generated Purchase, using the token (e.g. card) they saved for their subscription, fails. Can only be emitted for a Purchase spawned from a BillingTemplate having is_subscription == true. Usually means the system can't charge the subscriber Client's card because e.g. their account balance is insufficient or card is expired, hence an invoice to be paid manually will be automatically mailed to them. Purchase.status in the returned payload will be == sent.

purchase.pending_refund: Emitted when refund transaction execution takes longer than expected on the acquirer side. See pending_refund Purchase status. When refund becomes finalized, a payment.refunded callback will ne emitted.

payment.refunded: Emitted when a Purchase is refunded (as a result of POST /purchases/{id}/capture/ request done successfully or action performed in company's frontoffice system). The returned data will be a Payment object generated as a result of this action. A link to the original Purchase (that will have a status of refunded) will be present in the related_to field of this Payment.

billing_template_client.subscription_billing_cancelled: Emitted when a subscriber represented by this event's related BillingTemplateClient cancels their subscription using an email link available in the receipts he receives. The respective BillingTemplateClient will have its status set to subscription_paused as a result.

payout.pending: Emitted when Payout execution has been initiated and is currently processing.

payout.failed: Emitted when a Payout processing was completed with an error. Payout.status will be == error. Note that payouts can spend up to 3-5 days (depending on the payout provider) in processing after being initiated.

payout.success: Emitted when a Payout is successfully processed. Payout.status will be == success. Note that payouts can spend up to 3-5 days (depending on the payout provider) in processing after being initiated.

payment.charged_back: Emitted when a Payment is charged_back.

purchase.viewed: Emitted when a Purchase is viewed.

purchase.settled: Emitted when a Purchase is settled.

payout.created: Emitted when a Payout is created.

Enum: [ purchase.created, purchase.paid, purchase.payment_failure, purchase.pending_execute, purchase.pending_charge, purchase.cancelled, purchase.hold, purchase.captured, purchase.pending_capture, purchase.released, purchase.pending_release, purchase.preauthorized, purchase.pending_recurring_token_delete, purchase.recurring_token_deleted, purchase.subscription_charge_failure, purchase.pending_refund, payment.refunded, billing_template_client.subscription_billing_cancelled, payout.pending, payout.failed, payout.success, payment.charged_back, purchase.viewed, purchase.settled, payout.created ]

Last updated